Want to learn to play roller derby? You are in the right place. In this article, you will learn how to play roller derby and we will provide you with the rules of this intense and exciting roller sport.
What is Roller Derby?
Roller derby is a fast growing American sport that is now played around the globe. Roller derby is now played by more than 1,200 amateur roller derby leagues around the world, with most located within the United States.
Watch Ninh Ly explain – “The Rules of Roller Derby (Flat Track). A short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how Roller Derby is played, Roller Derby rules, and how to play Roller Derby. Learn about jammers, jams, pivots, penalty, power jam, points, contact, out of bounds, hits, highlights, and more. The rules are specific to the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) rules.”
The Rules of Roller Derby
About The Game of Roller Derby
Ultimately, The object of the roller derby game is to score more points than the opposing roller derby team. Roller derby athletes wear a specialized type of quad roller skates and played either on a banked track with a raised and angled track floor, or on a flat track. Most teams are all-female teams, but there is a growing number of male, unisex roller derby teams.
The credit for evolving the sport of roller derby to its current competitive form goes to the founder and head of the original Roller Derby league, Leo Seltzer and the American newspaperman and short-story writer Damon Runyon.
How to Play Roller Derby
Roller derby consists of a series of jams or short scrimmages with a designated jammer for each roller derby team. The jammer wears a special designation on the skating helmet, which is currently a star. The whistle blows to start the clock for periods that last two minutes, which is know as the jam.
Four blockers, also called “The Pack“, will skate around track, and the jammer will try to lap members of the opposing roller derby team. Teams are not allowed to be more than 10 feet apart in a pack. The whistle blows to start the clock for periods that last two minutes, which is know as the jam. When a jammer beats the other jammer, they become the lead jammer, and they skate as fast as they can around the track.
The other teams main objective is to play defense, hindering the other teams jammer, while helping their own jammer make it around successfully. During a roller derby match, derby blockers will play both offense and defense at the same time.
Roller Derby 101 Gameplay Video- WFTDA: Women’s Flat Track Derby Association:
A team receives a point for each opposing play the jammers skates past or laps in a the period. When the two minute period has expired, it is the end of the jam. The jam can be ended early if the lead jammer taps his hips. This allows the lead jammer to control of the clock.
During a game, teams will create a wall, hoping to slow down the other teams player. A skaters will use their shoulders and hips move opposing skaters out of the way.
The central strategy of roller derby is to get as many points as possible during the jam, then stop the clock and prevent the opposing jammer from getting points. The game is played in two 30 minute periods, with a total playing time of 1 hour. The roller derby team with the highest score at the end of the total time, wins the match.

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